Alica Turns 2

On the pregnancy front, Im 15 weeks and doing well, I started to feel better about a week or so ago and Im so happy 1 st trimester is over-it was rough. There definitely viewing my pregnancy different this time around since I went early with Reid and had some preterm labor at 30 weeks with Reid so I have to be watched more carefully and actually have to administer a shot every week from 16 weeks to 36 weeks to help keep me from going into an preterm labor. So I feel alot better about the safety of my child and me.
I do have one exciting thing that I get to cross off my Goal list---I got a new laptop and Im loving it. I don't think Tom likes it as much as I do since all I do is work on scrapbooking and pics. Its just so fun when you have a computer that works and works fast!!
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