Easter Bunny was good to us this year. Reid found both His basket and Haley's, of course hes just like his mom and went right for the candy. The Easter bunny also made a quick stop while we where at Church and left easter eggs filled with candy around our yard. Reid loved every min of it.
Both of the kids got new Hats for the summer season around the corner, love this hat on Haley.

Reid now also got new sun glasses so that he can be just like Dad! Not that he
isnt already TOM!

Haley and her
easter basket! She's just started to reach out and touch things and try to grab things. Not that she new what she was touching.
Well this is the best pic I got of the two of them. Why I can't get a 2 year old to look at the camera and smile I don't know. At one point I had both of them watching TV and ignoring me. All I can hope is one day I will get a good pic of these two together.

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